Money Back Guarantee

The Back Bubble comes with a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Every Back Bubble arrives with a complete set of simple instructions including an instruction guide, instructional DVD and Toll-Free Help Hotline: 1-800-457-7246.

Please do not hesitate to give us a call to answer any of your questions. We can walk you through any installation or usage questions you may have, and we are happy to do so. There are many ways to suspend and use The Back Bubble.

If The Back Bubble fails to relieve your pain, simply return The Back Bubble with all parts included within the 30-Day Trial Period.  The 30-Day Trial Period will not begin until you receive your Back Bubble.  Please make sure to take good care of the product and keep it clean.

Refunds will be processed within 24-48 hours. While most refunds are processed the same day, please allow 48 hours in the event the refund takes place on a Sunday and/or a holiday.

Product Warranty

The Back Bubble is manufactured with the highest quality Medical-Grade materials.

The Physician Model comes with a full 5-year warranty on hardware and a 3-year warranty on soft goods. The Deluxe Model comes with a 3-year warranty on hardware and a 2-year warranty on soft goods. The Patient Model comes with a full 2-year warranty on hardware and a 1-year warranty on soft goods.

The need for repairs are rare but easily resolved.

Please call our Toll Free Help Hotline at 1-800-457-7246 and let us know what the problem is.  We will tell you where to mail the damaged part and we will repair or replace the part immediately.

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